Frankreich Absinth

Absinthe from France

Although absinthe originated in Switzerland, it was definitely most important in France during the Belle Epoque. Chroniclers described how at "l'heure verte" - the green hour, entire streets in Paris took on the scent of absinthe and people across all social classes settled down in the street cafes for an absinthe (or two).
What initially served the French army to make water drinkable in Africa quickly developed into the most popular spirits of all from the 1860s onwards. Today's world-famous artists such as Toulouse Lautrec, Vincent van Gogh, Paul Verlaine, Artur Rimbaud and Charles Baudelaire had become slaves of the green fairy. After them came the general public. Consumption took on problematic forms and right before the First World War came what was initiated by the ailing wine industry on the one hand and was unavoidable on the other - the absinthe ban!
Absinthe Abisinthe Amer 700 ml
Excellent Absinthe from Fougerolles

Content: 0.7 Liter (€62.79* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Jade 1901
Fourth repro in the Jade series

Content: 0.7 Liter (€99.93* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Libertine Original
Excellent Absinthe from Fougerolles

Content: 0.7 Liter (€61.36* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Verte de Fougerolles 700 ml
Discover the unique Absinthe Verte de Fougerolles from Distillerie Paul Devoille. Enjoy the natural taste of wormwood, anise and other herbs. No artificial colors or sugar. A highlight for absinthe lovers!

Content: 0.7 Liter (€88.50* / 1 Liter)

Jade Terminus Absinthe Oxygenee
The last one in the Jade Absinthe repro series

Content: 0.7 Liter (€99.93* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Jade Nouvelle Orleans
First of the Jade Absinthe Series

Content: 0.7 Liter (€99.93* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Libertine Intense
Excellent Absinthe from Fougerolles

Content: 0.7 Liter (€64.21* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Francois Guy 1000 ml
Try Absinthe Francois Guy 1000 ml now. A rich history full of passion and collaboration. Discover the unique taste of tradition and craftsmanship. Timeless for absinthe lovers with an interest in history.

Absinthe Jade V.S. 1898
Long awaited second product from the JADE repro series

Content: 0.7 Liter (€99.93* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Verte de Fougerolles
The 'green' from Fougerolles

Content: 0.2 Liter (€124.75* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Abisinthe Amer Flacon 200 ml
Excellent Absinthe from Fougerolles

Content: 0.2 Liter (€114.75* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Jade Esprit Edouard
Eduard P. clone

Content: 0.7 Liter (€99.93* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Abisinthe Amer Mini 30 ml
Excellent Absinthe from Fougerolles

Content: 0.03 Liter (€231.67* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Libertine Original
Excellent Absinthe from Fougerolles

Content: 0.2 Liter (€79.75* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Jade 1901
Fourth repro in the Jade series

Content: 0.2 Liter (€114.75* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Libertine Original Mini
Excellent Absinthe from Fougerolles

Content: 0.05 Liter (€139.00* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Francois Guy 500 ml
A must for newbies and connoisseurs

Content: 0.5 Liter (€59.90* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Libertine Intense
Excellent Absinthe from Fougerolles

Content: 0.2 Liter (€89.75* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Blanchette
Reproduction of the original Combier Absinthe

Content: 0.7 Liter (€57.07* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Blanche de Fougerolles 700 ml
Discover the unique Blanche de Fougerolles Absinthe from Devoille. A highlight made from fougerolles, with 74% alcohol, which harmoniously combines the flavors. The recipe comes from the book "P. Duplais - La Fabrication des Liqueurs". Discover now!

Content: 0.7 Liter (€92.79* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Roquette 1797
An unusually spicy absinthe.

Content: 0.7 Liter (€84.21* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Soixante Cinq
Historic French formula with a great price

Content: 0.7 Liter (€85.64* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Heritage
Strong note Absinthe from Fougerolles

Content: 0.5 Liter (€79.90* / 1 Liter)

Absinthe Abisinthe 72 Mini 30 ml
Excellent Absinthe from Fougerolles

Content: 0.03 Liter (€231.67* / 1 Liter)


1805 - one of the largest spirits companies is born

Major Dubied, his son Marcelin and Henri-Louis Pernod (1776-1851) have been producing in Couvet (Val de Travers) since 1797 16 liters of absinthe daily. A large part of it was sold to nearby France. As the customs formalities were quite complex (they still are today!), Henri-Louis Pernod decided to leave the company to lease an area in Pontarlier and set up a distillery to produce absinthe.
It is documented that, in addition to absinthe, other spirits such as kirsch were also produced. In the early years, Henri-Louis Pernod traveled a lot and sold his products himself. After just a few years, the distillery in Pontarlier had to be expanded because the demand could not be met with a daily production of 16 liters. The breakthrough probably came in 1830, when the French were at war in Algeria and Pernod managed to sell absinthe to the military as a daily ration for the soldiers. They should use it to clean the bad water from microbes.


Heni-Louis Pernod left the business of the Swiss distillery in Couvet to his son Edouard (from his first marriage). His son Louis from his second marriage supported him in Pontarlier. Its unique position in the market guaranteed both distilleries solid success. They were already exporting to America and the French colonies.


The third generation (Louis-Alfred and Fritz Pernod) took over the company. About 450 liters of absinthe were produced daily. In the decades that followed, the market grew steadily.


The two grandsons of the company founder bought an area near the river Doubs and built a large production facility with railway sidings. The daily production grew to around 20,000 liters.

In 1888

Louis Alfred Pernod sold his company "Pernod Fils" to the Bank Veil-Picard from Besancon. At this point our little company history Pernod should end.
Further absinthe distilleries are established in Pontarlier Around 1826 there were just 3 absinthe distilleries in Pontarlier: Pernod Fils, Dubied Pere et fils and Simon & Julien, given the title Royal Absinthe Distillery by Charles X. Until 1870 there were always between 6 and 10 absinthe distilleries. The number of distilleries around 1905 shows how strong the absinthe boom must have been. At that time there were 25 distilleries in the Pontarlier area. A total of about 3000 people worked directly and indirectly for this industry and produced about 10 million liters of absinthe annually.
Absinthe distilleries spring up all over France
Around 1870 more and more absinthe distilleries are established. Not only in Franche-Comté, but also in nearby Haute-Saone and Fougerolles. Traditionally, kirsch has been distilled there for some time. Around 30 distilleries now produce absinthe as well as kirsch. Since Absinthe de Pontarlier is a quality concept and the demand for it can hardly be satisfied, some distilleries from Fougerolles deliver their absinthe to Pontarlier, where it is then bottled from barrels and is therefore allowed to bear the popular slogan "Absinthe de Pontarlier". although it was made in Fougerolles.
There are around 65 distilleries in Paris, around 52 in Bordeaux, 45 in Marseilles, 18 in Lyon and 12 in Dijon. Absinthe is THE French national drink!
And abroad too!
Some manufacturers are also expanding into other countries. Absinthe will soon be produced in Belgium (Duval), Argentina (Berger) and Spain (Pernod Fils). Especially in the military and in the colonies, absinthe enjoys great popularity.